
about us

what is erasmus+


Erasmus+ brings such opportunities to all – students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers and more.


Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

our erasmus+ Projects

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💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 
“Innovative Agricultural Industries – Modern digital and sustainable practices aimed at developing and promoting local products”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000214539 

📍Location:Porto/Lisbon, Portugal 

🗓️Period: From 
26/1/2025 - 8/2/2025

The participants from 14 Esperino EPAL Thessalonikis, after two weeks of training through visits and activities, enhanced their skills and gained valuable insights into local production and sustainable industries.

They visited some of the oldest and most renowned wine businesses, explored sardine industries, and learned about the cork production process. Their experience was further enriched through visits to universities and research centers, where they engaged with experts and expanded their knowledge.

This program provided them with practical experience and a deeper understanding of traditional craftsmanship and modern sustainable practices.

Thank you very much for everything—we wish you all the best!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:
“Innovative Agricultural Industries – Modern digital and sustainable practices aimed at developing and promoting local products”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000214539

📍Location:Porto/Lisbon, Portugal

🗓️Period: From
26/1/2025 - 8/2/2025

The participants from 14 Esperino EPAL Thessalonikis, after two weeks of training through visits and activities, enhanced their skills and gained valuable insights into local production and sustainable industries.

They visited some of the oldest and most renowned wine businesses, explored sardine industries, and learned about the cork production process. Their experience was further enriched through visits to universities and research centers, where they engaged with experts and expanded their knowledge.

This program provided them with practical experience and a deeper understanding of traditional craftsmanship and modern sustainable practices.

Thank you very much for everything—we wish you all the best!
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1 day ago
💼Sending Partner:

1o EPAL Thivas

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 

“Modern skills in electromobility and new electric vehicle technologies”

🗃️: Project Code: 


📍Location: Barcelona, Spain 

🗓️Period: From 
17/1/2025 to 30/1/2025

Participants from 1o Epal Thivas gained valuable insights into advancements in sustainable mobility and energy solutions. Through technical visits and professional exchanges, participants deepened their understanding of electric vehicle innovations and the evolving industry landscape. The project also highlighted the importance of upskilling and adapting to new technological demands. Cultural experiences in Barcelona further enriched the learning process, offering a broader perspective on the integration of technology and society. Overall, the project strengthened expertise in electromobility and inspired forward-thinking approaches to sustainable transportation.

We’re looking forward to our next experience!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

1o EPAL Thivas

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:

“Modern skills in electromobility and new electric vehicle technologies”

🗃️: Project Code:


📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From
17/1/2025 to 30/1/2025

Participants from 1o Epal Thivas gained valuable insights into advancements in sustainable mobility and energy solutions. Through technical visits and professional exchanges, participants deepened their understanding of electric vehicle innovations and the evolving industry landscape. The project also highlighted the importance of upskilling and adapting to new technological demands. Cultural experiences in Barcelona further enriched the learning process, offering a broader perspective on the integration of technology and society. Overall, the project strengthened expertise in electromobility and inspired forward-thinking approaches to sustainable transportation.

We’re looking forward to our next experience!
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1 day ago
💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 
“Sustainable Food and Nutrition: Bridging Agriculture and Health”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000215462

📍Location: Porto/Lisbon, Portugal 

🗓️Period: From 
27/1/2025- 9/2/2025

The participants from EK Thivas, after two weeks of training through visits and activities, improved their skills and engaged with sustainable food production, healthy nutrition, the circular economy, and sustainable environmental management. They learned about the history of Portugal and visited local businesses, gaining valuable experiences and enriching their perspectives.

Thank you very much for everything—we wish you all the best!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:
“Sustainable Food and Nutrition: Bridging Agriculture and Health”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000215462

📍Location: Porto/Lisbon, Portugal

🗓️Period: From
27/1/2025- 9/2/2025

The participants from EK Thivas, after two weeks of training through visits and activities, improved their skills and engaged with sustainable food production, healthy nutrition, the circular economy, and sustainable environmental management. They learned about the history of Portugal and visited local businesses, gaining valuable experiences and enriching their perspectives.

Thank you very much for everything—we wish you all the best!
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2 days ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Σταυρούλα κ Κωνσταντίνε χαρήκαμε πολύ που σας γνωρίσαμε με την ομάδα σας στη Λισαβόνα. Καλη συνέχεια κ σας ευχόμαστε ακόμη περισσότερα ταξίδια.!!! ΕΠΑΛ Αγίου Αθανασίου

We thank you for your services. We are very happy to have worked with you!

💼Sending Partner:
Epal Agiou Athanasiou

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 
“Health waste : A sustainable European Approach” 

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000220131

📍Location: Lisbon & Porto, Portugal 

🗓️Period: From 
25/1/2025- 7/2/2025

Participants from Epal Agiou Athanasiou 
explored innovative and eco-friendly solutions for managing health-related waste across Europe. By visiting pioneering startups and companies of global scale they gained insights into cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices that can minimize environmental impact in the health sector. 
The initiative paved the way for exchanging knowledge and the use of best practices in waste management and circular economy principles, following the latest developments in the field for the sake of the society.

Lastly, they dived into the cultural wealth of Portugal, familiarising themselves with the history and other elements of the civilisation, fostering a deep sense of common identity and responsibility, overlooking borders. 

We’re looking forward to our next experience!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:
Epal Agiou Athanasiou

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:
“Health waste : A sustainable European Approach”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000220131

📍Location: Lisbon & Porto, Portugal

🗓️Period: From
25/1/2025- 7/2/2025

Participants from Epal Agiou Athanasiou
explored innovative and eco-friendly solutions for managing health-related waste across Europe. By visiting pioneering startups and companies of global scale they gained insights into cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices that can minimize environmental impact in the health sector.
The initiative paved the way for exchanging knowledge and the use of best practices in waste management and circular economy principles, following the latest developments in the field for the sake of the society.

Lastly, they dived into the cultural wealth of Portugal, familiarising themselves with the history and other elements of the civilisation, fostering a deep sense of common identity and responsibility, overlooking borders.

We’re looking forward to our next experience!
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4 days ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Αγαπητοί μας Moveu ,ήθελα να σας πω ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ για την ευκαιρία που μας δώσατε να συνεργαστούμε και να υλοποιήσουμε το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+! Περάσαμε τέλεια και μάθαμε πάρα πολλά. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την υποστήριξη και την βοήθεια που μας προσφέρατε. Όλα ήταν άψογα οργανωμένα και μας κάνατε να νιώσουμε υπέροχα και να δημιουργήσουμε αξέχαστες εμπειρίες και αναμνήσεις για μας και τους μαθητές μας. Ελπίζω να έχουμε την ευκαιρία να συνεργαστούμε ξανά στο μέλλον.

Αγαπητέ κ. Θάνο Γιαμά Moveu, κ. Νατάσσα κ συνεργάτιδες Σεμίνα, Αναστασία κ Μυρτώ αισθάνομαι την ανάγκη ως αρχηγός της 2ης ροής στη Λισαβόνα να σας ευχαριστήσω προσωπικά αλλά κ εκ μέρους όλης της ομάδας για την άψογη συνεργασία, τη φιλοξενία, την ευγένεια αλλά πάνω από όλα για την φερεγγυότητα του γραφείου σας που στάθηκε αρωγός μας από την πρώτη στιγμή που πιάσαμε το στυλό στα χέρια για να γράψουμε την πρόταση μας μέχρι κ το πέρας της αποστολής. Δεν ξέρω αν στο μέλλον θα πετύχουμε σαν ΕΠΑΛ Αγίου Αθανασίου μια νέα έγκριση πρότασης από το ΙΚΥ, όμως αυτό που ξέρω είναι ότι κ πάλι θα επέλεγα εσάς κ μόνον εσάς για την διεκπεραίωση του προγράμματος γιατί απλά θα ένιωθα ασφάλεια. Σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς κ ευελπιστούμε για μια νέα συνεργασία στο μέλλον.

💼Sending Partner: Hmerisio Epal Kastorias 

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 

«Holistic approach to vocational education creating competitive and productive graduates»

🗃️: Project Code:  2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000143177

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 

Participants from Hmerisio Epal Kastorias 
engaged in a dynamic combination of theoretical learning, hands-on training, and industry visits in Spain. They explored key vocational sectors such as engineering, plumbing, electrology, and agriculture through specialized workshops, technical visits to cutting-edge facilities, and real-world applications of sustainability and automation. By interacting with industry professionals and observing innovative practices, participants gained valuable insights into modern workforce demands, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to enhance their competitiveness and productivity in their respective fields.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner: Hmerisio Epal Kastorias

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:

«Holistic approach to vocational education creating competitive and productive graduates»

🗃️: Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000143177

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From

Participants from Hmerisio Epal Kastorias
engaged in a dynamic combination of theoretical learning, hands-on training, and industry visits in Spain. They explored key vocational sectors such as engineering, plumbing, electrology, and agriculture through specialized workshops, technical visits to cutting-edge facilities, and real-world applications of sustainability and automation. By interacting with industry professionals and observing innovative practices, participants gained valuable insights into modern workforce demands, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to enhance their competitiveness and productivity in their respective fields.
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5 days ago
💼Sending Partner: Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfi 

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 

“Strengthening and modernizing internal systems and processes, for the
benefit of all VET stakeholders – and ultimately, learners”

🗃️: Project Code:  2023 -1 -EL01 -KA122 - VET -000149634 

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 

Participants from Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfi  engaged in a dynamic learning experience , focusing on modernizing vocational education and training (VET) systems. They explored innovative teaching methodologies, early childhood education approaches, and the integration of STEM and the arts in learning. Hands-on experiences at educational institutions enriched their understanding of interactive and experiential education. The program culminated with an evaluation and certification, empowering participants with new strategies to enhance VET practices

We’re looking forward to future collaborations!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner: Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfi

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:

“Strengthening and modernizing internal systems and processes, for the
benefit of all VET stakeholders – and ultimately, learners”

🗃️: Project Code: 2023 -1 -EL01 -KA122 - VET -000149634

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From

Participants from Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfi engaged in a dynamic learning experience , focusing on modernizing vocational education and training (VET) systems. They explored innovative teaching methodologies, early childhood education approaches, and the integration of STEM and the arts in learning. Hands-on experiences at educational institutions enriched their understanding of interactive and experiential education. The program culminated with an evaluation and certification, empowering participants with new strategies to enhance VET practices

We’re looking forward to future collaborations!
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6 days ago
💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title: 
«Training on Digital Port Logistics»

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000217205


🗓️Period: From 11/1/2025 to 24/1/2025

Today marks the conclusion of an important educational journey for the participants of EPAL Renti, filled with experiences, knowledge, and future opportunities.

Through the program, they had the chance to visit some of the largest ports in Europe, explore modern digital applications in logistics management, and learn about the sustainable practices that ensure their efficient operation and growth.

In full alignment with the European sustainability goals, the participants witnessed how innovation is combined with environmental protection, paving the way for a greener and more technologically advanced future in the maritime and logistics sectors.

We wish you all the best and a successful career filled with achievements!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Project Title:
«Training on Digital Port Logistics»

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000217205


🗓️Period: From 11/1/2025 to 24/1/2025

Today marks the conclusion of an important educational journey for the participants of EPAL Renti, filled with experiences, knowledge, and future opportunities.

Through the program, they had the chance to visit some of the largest ports in Europe, explore modern digital applications in logistics management, and learn about the sustainable practices that ensure their efficient operation and growth.

In full alignment with the European sustainability goals, the participants witnessed how innovation is combined with environmental protection, paving the way for a greener and more technologically advanced future in the maritime and logistics sectors.

We wish you all the best and a successful career filled with achievements!
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3 weeks ago
💼Sending Partner:
Evangelismos Primary School

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Teachers’ Course Project Title: 

«The environment is a source of life for our planet - I empower my digital classroom»

🗃️: Project Code: 

 2024 -1-ELO1-SCH-000232474

Milan, Italy 
🗓️Period: From 13/1/2025 to 17/1/2025

Participants from Evangelismos Primary School embraced innovative initiatives through a training course. 
This program highlighted the integration of art, technology, and environmental awareness into education. By leveraging digital tools and creative expression, they developed interactive approaches to inspire eco-conscious thinking among students. Through a blend of artistic projects and modern educational technologies, they fostered a deeper connection between creativity, sustainability, and the digital classroom, empowering the next generation to care for the planet through innovative learning.Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:
Evangelismos Primary School

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Teachers’ Course Project Title:

«The environment is a source of life for our planet - I empower my digital classroom»

🗃️: Project Code:

2024 -1-ELO1-SCH-000232474

Milan, Italy
🗓️Period: From 13/1/2025 to 17/1/2025

"Participants from Evangelismos Primary School embraced innovative initiatives through a training course.
This program highlighted the integration of art, technology, and environmental awareness into education. By leveraging digital tools and creative expression, they developed interactive approaches to inspire eco-conscious thinking among students. Through a blend of artistic projects and modern educational technologies, they fostered a deeper connection between creativity, sustainability, and the digital classroom, empowering the next generation to care for the planet through innovative learning."
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3 weeks ago
💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: 

“Strengthening and modernizing internal systems and processes, for the benefit of all VET stakeholders – and ultimately, learners “

🗃️: Project Code: 

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 03/01/2025 to 07/01/2025

Participants from Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfie. E. took part in a forward-thinking initiative designed to modernize educational practices in the health sector. By combining traditional remedies with contemporary therapeutic techniques, they gained practical experience in creating herbal formulations for neurodevelopmental conditions. This hands-on learning not only deepened their understanding of holistic healthcare but also reinforced the importance of evolving internal systems and processes, ensuring that future healthcare professionals are well-prepared for innovative careers in the field.

We are looking forward to new educational opportunities!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title:

“Strengthening and modernizing internal systems and processes, for the benefit of all VET stakeholders – and ultimately, learners “

🗃️: Project Code:

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 03/01/2025 to 07/01/2025

Participants from Ekpaideftikos Omilos Morfie. E. took part in a forward-thinking initiative designed to modernize educational practices in the health sector. By combining traditional remedies with contemporary therapeutic techniques, they gained practical experience in creating herbal formulations for neurodevelopmental conditions. This hands-on learning not only deepened their understanding of holistic healthcare but also reinforced the importance of evolving internal systems and processes, ensuring that future healthcare professionals are well-prepared for innovative careers in the field.

We are looking forward to new educational opportunities!
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1 month ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Χρόνια πολλά, καλή χρονιά με υγεία και δύναμη.

Καλή χρονιά! Χαιρετισμούς στην Νατάσα και τον Θανάση!

💼Sending Partner:
1st EPAL of Chalastra

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: 

• “Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Digital Agriculture and Food Technology


• “Modern Innovations and Traditional Remedies in Health: Research, Technology and Patient Wellness” 

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000217230

📍Location: Rome, Italy 

🗓️Period: From 7/12/2024 to 18/12/2024

Participants from the 1st EPAL of CHALASTRA engaged in a collaborative project that combined sustainable digital agriculture with health and wellness innovations. Through hands-on activities and knowledge, they explored advanced technologies and traditional methods applied to enhance the production of high-quality, nutritious local goods. 

They gained valuable insight into precision agriculture tools and holistic approaches.
This experience offered them a foundation for their professional growth and for the creation of more efficient production systems that support sustainability.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:
1st EPAL of Chalastra

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title:

• “Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Digital Agriculture and Food Technology


• “Modern Innovations and Traditional Remedies in Health: Research, Technology and Patient Wellness” 

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000217230

📍Location: Rome, Italy

🗓️Period: From 7/12/2024 to 18/12/2024

Participants from the 1st EPAL of CHALASTRA engaged in a collaborative project that combined sustainable digital agriculture with health and wellness innovations. Through hands-on activities and knowledge, they explored advanced technologies and traditional methods applied to enhance the production of high-quality, nutritious local goods.

They gained valuable insight into precision agriculture tools and holistic approaches.
This experience offered them a foundation for their professional growth and for the creation of more efficient production systems that support sustainability.
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1 month ago
💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Herbal Preparations in the Approach of Neurodevelopmental Disorders” 

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000224408

📍Location: Rome, Italy 

🗓️Period: From 6/12/2024 to 19/12/2024

The students from the 1st EPAL AIGINIOU engaged in an enriching educational project that deepened their academic and practical knowledge on how natural remedies can complement conventional therapies. 
They gained valuable insight into the preparation and application of various herbal formulations in managing neurodevelopmental conditions.

The integration of traditional knowledge with modern research offered them a holistic perspective on innovative therapeutic strategies, reinforcing their skills for their professional career.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Herbal Preparations in the Approach of Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

🗃️: Project Code: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000224408

📍Location: Rome, Italy

🗓️Period: From 6/12/2024 to 19/12/2024

The students from the 1st EPAL AIGINIOU engaged in an enriching educational project that deepened their academic and practical knowledge on how natural remedies can complement conventional therapies.
They gained valuable insight into the preparation and application of various herbal formulations in managing neurodevelopmental conditions.

The integration of traditional knowledge with modern research offered them a holistic perspective on innovative therapeutic strategies, reinforcing their skills for their professional career.
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1 month ago
💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Digital Skin Analysis imaging systems- Smart Diagnosis”

🗃️: Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000146588

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain 

🗓️Period: From 23/11/2024 to 6/12/2024

Participants from EPAL ASPROPURGOU participated in an enriching educational  project, that reinforced their academic and technical knowledge regarding the integration of technology and dermatological care. 

They gained hands-on experience on the procedures followed by innovative tools to analyse skin conditions with precision.

This valuable insight equipped them with the necessary tools to pave the way for their professional evolution in health and technology fields

Thank you for your trust and we are looking forward to new experiences!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

💼Sending Partner:

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Digital Skin Analysis imaging systems- Smart Diagnosis”

🗃️: Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000146588

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 23/11/2024 to 6/12/2024

Participants from EPAL ASPROPURGOU participated in an enriching educational project, that reinforced their academic and technical knowledge regarding the integration of technology and dermatological care.

They gained hands-on experience on the procedures followed by innovative tools to analyse skin conditions with precision.

This valuable insight equipped them with the necessary tools to pave the way for their professional evolution in health and technology fields

Thank you for your trust and we are looking forward to new experiences!
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1 month ago
🏫Sending Partner: 
1st Vocational School is Sivitanideios

🔗Hosting partner : Moveu

📋Project title: “Acquiring skills in the production of herbal cosmetics and soaps”

🗃️Project codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000118725

📍Location: Marseille, France 

🗓️Period: From 03/12/2024 to 15/12/2024

Another beautiful journey has come to an end! ✨ Participants had the opportunity to explore all the stages of authentic Marseille soap production, uncover the secrets of natural recipes, and learn how to create cosmetics using plant-based oils inspired by the nature of Marseille and beyond. 🌿 From nature to processing, production, and finally, their positive impact on the skin and the market.

Thank you for being part of this journey of knowledge and creativity. We wish you happy holidays filled with health and joy! 🎄✨Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner:
1st Vocational School is Sivitanideios

🔗Hosting partner : Moveu

📋Project title: “Acquiring skills in the production of herbal cosmetics and soaps”

🗃️Project codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000118725

📍Location: Marseille, France

🗓️Period: From 03/12/2024 to 15/12/2024

Another beautiful journey has come to an end! ✨ Participants had the opportunity to explore all the stages of authentic Marseille soap production, uncover the secrets of natural recipes, and learn how to create cosmetics using plant-based oils inspired by the nature of Marseille and beyond. 🌿 From nature to processing, production, and finally, their positive impact on the skin and the market.

Thank you for being part of this journey of knowledge and creativity. We wish you happy holidays filled with health and joy! 🎄✨
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2 months ago
🏫Sending Partner: 
1st Vocational High School of Nigrita

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu 

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Smart Agriculture: Cutting Edge Technologies in Local Products”

🗃️Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000119797

📍Location: Lisbon & Porto, Portugal 

🗓️ Period: From 14/11/2024 to 27/11/2024

Participants from the 1st Vocational High School of Nigrita engaged in an enriching educational project that deepened their academic and practical knowledge on various innovative technologies and procedures applied for the production of local goods in Portugal. 
This valuable insight they gained, might function as a driving force and foundation for their professional evolution in the future, by applying these tools and practices for smarter and more efficient production methods that enhance the quality of the products.Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner:
1st Vocational High School of Nigrita

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Smart Agriculture: Cutting Edge Technologies in Local Products”

🗃️Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000119797

📍Location: Lisbon & Porto, Portugal

🗓️ Period: From 14/11/2024 to 27/11/2024

Participants from the 1st Vocational High School of Nigrita engaged in an enriching educational project that deepened their academic and practical knowledge on various innovative technologies and procedures applied for the production of local goods in Portugal.
This valuable insight they gained, might function as a driving force and foundation for their professional evolution in the future, by applying these tools and practices for smarter and more efficient production methods that enhance the quality of the products.
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2 months ago
🏫Sending Partner: 
1st Vocational High School of Neapolis 

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu 

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Let’s Go Green” 

📋 Teachers’ Course Project Title: “Empowering Educators: Integrating Digital Green Entrepreneurship and Modern Pedagogies” 

🗃️Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000128495 

📍Location: Bologna & Milan, Italy 

🗓️ Period: From 25/11/2024 to 6/12/2024 & from 1/12/2024 to 5/12/2024


The Erasmus+ project in Italy was an inspiring and transformative experience for our participants. They gained valuable insights into sustainable processes and educational skills, particularly in the areas of energy production sources and teaching techniques.
This knowledge will enable them to proceed with innovative abilities that foster more sustainable, technologically-advanced and appropriate solutions in their respective fields.

Thank you for your trust and for being part of this experience!Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner:
1st Vocational High School of Neapolis

🔗 Hosting Partner: Moveu

📋Students’ Programme Project Title: “Let’s Go Green”

📋 Teachers’ Course Project Title: “Empowering Educators: Integrating Digital Green Entrepreneurship and Modern Pedagogies”

🗃️Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000128495

📍Location: Bologna & Milan, Italy

🗓️ Period: From 25/11/2024 to 6/12/2024 & from 1/12/2024 to 5/12/2024

The Erasmus+ project in Italy was an inspiring and transformative experience for our participants. They gained valuable insights into sustainable processes and educational skills, particularly in the areas of energy production sources and teaching techniques.
This knowledge will enable them to proceed with innovative abilities that foster more sustainable, technologically-advanced and appropriate solutions in their respective fields.

Thank you for your trust and for being part of this experience!
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2 months ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Από 1o Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο Νεάπολης, Ευχαριστούμε!

🏫Sending Partner: EK THESSALONIKIS 

🔗Hosting partner : MOVEU

🗂️Project Title: “IoT Technology for Smart Cities with Raspberry Microcomputer”

🗃️Project code:2023-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000141966

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 29/10/2024 to 13/11/2024

Another project comes to an end, and a team departs enriched with knowledge and new experiences. Throughout the program, they engaged with key spots around the city and visited core pillars of their field. From data management and storage to how these concepts integrate into daily life in a city of the future, they turned theory into practice.

We wish you all the best and thank you for your trust!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner: EK THESSALONIKIS

🔗Hosting partner : MOVEU

🗂️Project Title: “IoT Technology for Smart Cities with Raspberry Microcomputer”

🗃️Project code:2023-1-EL01-KA122-VET-000141966

📍Location: Barcelona, Spain

🗓️Period: From 29/10/2024 to 13/11/2024

Another project comes to an end, and a team departs enriched with knowledge and new experiences. Throughout the program, they engaged with key spots around the city and visited core pillars of their field. From data management and storage to how these concepts integrate into daily life in a city of the future, they turned theory into practice.

We wish you all the best and thank you for your trust!
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3 months ago
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Photos from 2ο ΕΠΑΛ Χαλκίδας's post ... See MoreSee Less

4 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Μπράβο σε όλους!!!

Are you a university student looking for an exciting Erasmus+  internship/traineeship opportunity? 🌍✨ 

MOVEU is here to make it happen! Were offering Erasmus+ Traineeship positions for 2024-2025, giving you the chance to gain hands-on work experience in Barcelona.

Were on the lookout for students in fields like IT, Business & Management, Economics, Foreign Languages, and many more, with a minimum of B2 English knowledge (any other languages count as a plus!) . Whether youre just starting or already deep into your studies, this is your chance to kickstart your career in an international setting.

What are you waiting for? Get ready to explore, learn, and grow with us!

✨ Want more info? Hit us up at projects@moveu.es or check us out on Instagram @ moveu.es


Είστε φοιτητής πανεπιστημίου που αναζητάτε μια συναρπαστική ευκαιρία πρακτικής άσκησης στο Erasmus+; 🌍✨

H MOVEU είναι εδώ για να το πραγματοποιήσει! Προσφέρουμε θέσεις πρακτικής άσκησης Erasmus+ για το 2024-2025, δίνοντάς σας την ευκαιρία να αποκτήσετε πρακτική εμπειρία εργασίας στη Βαρκελώνη.

Ψάχνουμε φοιτητές σε τομείς όπως Πληροφορική, Δοιήκηση Επιχειρήσεων, Οικονομικά, Ξένες Γλώσσες και πολλά άλλα, με ελάχιστη γνώση αγγλικών B2 (όποιες άλλες γλώσσες μετρούν ως συν!) . 
Είτε μόλις ξεκινάτε είτε είστε ήδη βαθιά στις σπουδές σας, αυτή είναι η ευκαιρία σας να ξεκινήσετε την καριέρα σας σε ένα διεθνές περιβάλλον.

Τι περιμένετε; Ετοιμαστείτε να εξερευνήσετε, να μάθετε και να αναπτυχθείτε μαζί μας!

✨ Θέλετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες; Στείλτε email στο projects@moveu.es ή στο Instagram @ moveu.es

Are you a university student looking for an exciting Erasmus+ internship/traineeship opportunity? 🌍✨

MOVEU is here to make it happen! We're offering Erasmus+ Traineeship positions for 2024-2025, giving you the chance to gain hands-on work experience in Barcelona.

We're on the lookout for students in fields like IT, Business & Management, Economics, Foreign Languages, and many more, with a minimum of B2 English knowledge (any other languages count as a plus!) . Whether you're just starting or already deep into your studies, this is your chance to kickstart your career in an international setting.

What are you waiting for? Get ready to explore, learn, and grow with us!

✨ Want more info? Hit us up at projects@moveu.es or check us out on Instagram @ moveu.es


Είστε φοιτητής πανεπιστημίου που αναζητάτε μια συναρπαστική ευκαιρία πρακτικής άσκησης στο Erasmus+; 🌍✨

H MOVEU είναι εδώ για να το πραγματοποιήσει! Προσφέρουμε θέσεις πρακτικής άσκησης Erasmus+ για το 2024-2025, δίνοντάς σας την ευκαιρία να αποκτήσετε πρακτική εμπειρία εργασίας στη Βαρκελώνη.

Ψάχνουμε φοιτητές σε τομείς όπως Πληροφορική, Δοιήκηση Επιχειρήσεων, Οικονομικά, Ξένες Γλώσσες και πολλά άλλα, με ελάχιστη γνώση αγγλικών B2 (όποιες άλλες γλώσσες μετρούν ως συν!) .
Είτε μόλις ξεκινάτε είτε είστε ήδη βαθιά στις σπουδές σας, αυτή είναι η ευκαιρία σας να ξεκινήσετε την καριέρα σας σε ένα διεθνές περιβάλλον.

Τι περιμένετε; Ετοιμαστείτε να εξερευνήσετε, να μάθετε και να αναπτυχθείτε μαζί μας!

✨ Θέλετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες; Στείλτε email στο projects@moveu.es ή στο Instagram @ moveu.es
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5 months ago
🏫Sending Partner: 
1st Vocational Senior High School of Sindos

🔗Hosting partner : Moveu

📋Project title: “Conflict Management, Emotional Intelligence and Bullying Prevention”

🗃️Project codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000124005

📍Location: Dublin, Ireland 

🗓️Period: From 17/8/2024 to 23/8/2024

Our Erasmus project in Dublin was a transformative experience for our participants. They have gained valuable skills in conflict management that will enhance their ability to resolve classroom issues effectively. Their deeper understanding of emotional intelligence will help them support students in developing essential emotional skills.

With new educational techniques, they are now equipped to foster safer and more inclusive learning environments. Additionally, the exposure to adaptive learning tools from the project visits will enable them to tailor educational experiences to better meet individual student needs.

Special thanks to our partners Adaptemy and https://www.learnovatecentre.org/.Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner:
1st Vocational Senior High School of Sindos

🔗Hosting partner : Moveu

📋Project title: “Conflict Management, Emotional Intelligence and Bullying Prevention”

🗃️Project codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000124005

📍Location: Dublin, Ireland

🗓️Period: From 17/8/2024 to 23/8/2024

Our Erasmus project in Dublin was a transformative experience for our participants. They have gained valuable skills in conflict management that will enhance their ability to resolve classroom issues effectively. Their deeper understanding of emotional intelligence will help them support students in developing essential emotional skills.

With new educational techniques, they are now equipped to foster safer and more inclusive learning environments. Additionally, the exposure to adaptive learning tools from the project visits will enable them to tailor educational experiences to better meet individual student needs.

Special thanks to our partners Adaptemy and www.learnovatecentre.org/.
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5 months ago
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6 months ago
🏫Sending Partner :   26th Primary School of Chalkida

🔗Hosting partner  : Moveu

📋Project title:  «Differentiated teaching in multicultural classrooms»

🗃️Project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000128858

📍Location: Barcelona,Spain

🗓️Period: From 22/7/2024 to 27/7/2024

Participants from the 26th Primary School of Chalkida engaged in a transformative learning experience in Barcelona, Spain, through the project «Differentiated teaching in multicultural classrooms» with Moveu. They gained valuable insights into inclusive teaching strategies, enhancing their ability to address diverse student needs. This experience enriched their pedagogical skills, promoting a more effective and empathetic approach to multicultural education.

 #ChalkidaPrimary #MulticulturalTeaching #MoveuCollaboration #BarcelonaExperience #ErasmusPlusKA1 #InclusiveEducationImage attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner : 26th Primary School of Chalkida

🔗Hosting partner : Moveu

📋Project title: «Differentiated teaching in multicultural classrooms»

🗃️Project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000128858

📍Location: Barcelona,Spain

🗓️Period: From 22/7/2024 to 27/7/2024

Participants from the 26th Primary School of Chalkida engaged in a transformative learning experience in Barcelona, Spain, through the project «Differentiated teaching in multicultural classrooms» with Moveu. They gained valuable insights into inclusive teaching strategies, enhancing their ability to address diverse student needs. This experience enriched their pedagogical skills, promoting a more effective and empathetic approach to multicultural education.

#chalkidaprimary #multiculturalteaching #moveucollaboration #barcelonaexperience #erasmuspluska1 #inclusiveeducation
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6 months ago
🏫Sending Partner: 1st EPA.L. of Chalastra

🔗Hosting partner: Moveu

📋Project title:  “Psychology and Technology in Education: Tools and techniques for the promotion of mental health and learning”

The 1st EPA.L. of Chalastra explored the intersection of psychology and technology in education during their mobility project in Porto-Lisbon, Portugal, with Moveu. They learned innovative tools and techniques to promote mental health and enhance learning outcomes. This experience broadened their understanding of how to integrate psychological principles with technological advancements, fostering a more supportive and effective educational environment. 

#ChalastraEPAL #EduPsychTech #MoveuCollaboration #PortoLisbonExperience #ErasmusPlusKA1 #MentalHealthInEducation

🗂️Project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000144561

📍Location: Porto-Lisbon,Portugal

🗓️Period: From 21/07/2024 - 26/07/2024,Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🏫Sending Partner: 1st EPA.L. of Chalastra

🔗Hosting partner: Moveu

📋Project title: “Psychology and Technology in Education: Tools and techniques for the promotion of mental health and learning”

The 1st EPA.L. of Chalastra explored the intersection of psychology and technology in education during their mobility project in Porto-Lisbon, Portugal, with Moveu. They learned innovative tools and techniques to promote mental health and enhance learning outcomes. This experience broadened their understanding of how to integrate psychological principles with technological advancements, fostering a more supportive and effective educational environment.

#ChalastraEPAL #EduPsychTech #MoveuCollaboration #PortoLisbonExperience #ErasmusPlusKA1 #MentalHealthInEducation

🗂️Project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000144561

📍Location: Porto-Lisbon,Portugal

🗓️Period: From 21/07/2024 - 26/07/2024,
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6 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Moveu thank you very much for your high-level organization of the whole program so that to use our time with the most beneficial way.

🖇️Sending Organisation: 2nd EPAL Chalkidas
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Use of 3D printing in the educational process”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134039
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal 
🗓️Period: From 5/7/2024 - 10/7/2024

🖇️Sending Organisation: 3rd Gymnasio Argostoliou
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: 3D printing and modeling
🔐Project Code: 2023 - 1 -EL01 -KA121 -SCH -000118680
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal 
🗓️Period: From 8/7/2024 - 12/7/2024

We are thrilled to share the successful completion of our collaborative project in Lisbon, Portugal, focusing on the innovative use of 3D printing in education. Our dedicated team of professors from 2nd EPAL Chalkidas and 3rd Gymnasio Argostoliou joined forces to explore the transformative potential of 3D printing and modeling in the educational process.

Throughout the project, our educators delved into various applications of 3D printing, from creating intricate models to enhancing hands-on learning experiences. This initiative not only empowered our educators with cutting-edge tools.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making this project a resounding success. Together, we are shaping the future of education through innovation and collaboration!

🔗 To learn more about our journey and the impact of 3D printing in education, visit our profile or contact us directly. Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming ventures!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🖇️Sending Organisation: 2nd EPAL Chalkidas
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Use of 3D printing in the educational process”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134039
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal
🗓️Period: From 5/7/2024 - 10/7/2024

🖇️Sending Organisation: 3rd Gymnasio Argostoliou
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: "3D printing and modeling"
🔐Project Code: 2023 - 1 -EL01 -KA121 -SCH -000118680
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal
🗓️Period: From 8/7/2024 - 12/7/2024

We are thrilled to share the successful completion of our collaborative project in Lisbon, Portugal, focusing on the innovative use of 3D printing in education. Our dedicated team of professors from 2nd EPAL Chalkidas and 3rd Gymnasio Argostoliou joined forces to explore the transformative potential of 3D printing and modeling in the educational process.

Throughout the project, our educators delved into various applications of 3D printing, from creating intricate models to enhancing hands-on learning experiences. This initiative not only empowered our educators with cutting-edge tools.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making this project a resounding success. Together, we are shaping the future of education through innovation and collaboration!

🔗 To learn more about our journey and the impact of 3D printing in education, visit our profile or contact us directly. Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming ventures!
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7 months ago
🖇️Sending Organisation: 1st EPAL Chalkidas
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Modern School management methods”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134741
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal 
🗓️Period: From 5/7/2024 - 10/7/2024

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our latest project, “Modern School Management Methods,” in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal! 🌍✨ Our professors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich culture of Lisbon while participating in cutting-edge educational activities and workshops. The project fostered innovation, teamwork, and personal growth among all participants.

Thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to this unforgettable journey. Stay tuned for more updates and future projects! 🚀Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🖇️Sending Organisation: 1st EPAL Chalkidas
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Modern School management methods”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134741
📍Location: Lisbon/Portugal
🗓️Period: From 5/7/2024 - 10/7/2024

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our latest project, “Modern School Management Methods,” in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal! 🌍✨ Our professors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich culture of Lisbon while participating in cutting-edge educational activities and workshops. The project fostered innovation, teamwork, and personal growth among all participants.

Thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to this unforgettable journey. Stay tuned for more updates and future projects! 🚀
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7 months ago
n July 2024, under the EU project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134039, our team gathered in Lisbon to prepare for an upcoming phase of our innovative vocational training initiative! 🛠️💡
The preparation, expertly facilitated by our network partners at Moveu network, involved comprehensive discussions and strategy sessions. We also drew from the invaluable knowledge gathered through the RE4VET project, which continues to guide our work in VET education. 💼📚
Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of vocational education and training with cutting-edge methodologies and international collaboration! 🚀
#VET #Lisbon2024 #Moveu #RE4VET #EUProjects #VocationalEducation #InnovationInVET #LifelongLearning #STEMEducation #3DPrinting#Moveu NetworkImage attachment

n July 2024, under the EU project code: 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000134039, our team gathered in Lisbon to prepare for an upcoming phase of our innovative vocational training initiative! 🛠️💡
The preparation, expertly facilitated by our network partners at Moveu network, involved comprehensive discussions and strategy sessions. We also drew from the invaluable knowledge gathered through the RE4VET project, which continues to guide our work in VET education. 💼📚
Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of vocational education and training with cutting-edge methodologies and international collaboration! 🚀
#vet #Lisbon2024 #moveu #re4vet #EUprojects #vocationaleducation #innovationinvet #lifelonglearning #STEMEducation #3dprinting#Moveu Network
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7 months ago
✅Completion of our training course held in Helsinki, Finland. Our teachers departed full of knowledge and experience, having greatly benefited from the comprehensive educational process and the ongoing collaboration with both the educational staff and their fellow participants. We are excited to continue our mission of sharing knowledge without borders.

🗂️Course Title: “Innovative teaching methods according to the Finnish model/Digital Innovations and Teaching Methods Based on the Finnish Educational System”

🔐Projects Codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000128875 / 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000123337

🏫Participating Schools: 
Period: 22/6/2024 - 29/6/2024
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

✅Completion of our training course held in Helsinki, Finland. Our teachers departed full of knowledge and experience, having greatly benefited from the comprehensive educational process and the ongoing collaboration with both the educational staff and their fellow participants. We are excited to continue our mission of sharing knowledge without borders.

🗂️Course Title: “Innovative teaching methods according to the Finnish model/Digital Innovations and Teaching Methods Based on the Finnish Educational System”

🔐Projects Codes:2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000128875 / 2023-1-EL01-KA121-VET-000123337

🏫Participating Schools:
Period: 22/6/2024 - 29/6/2024
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
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7 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Ξαδέλφη..εύγε!! Ζηλεύω!!! Καλά να περνάτε..

⛳️One of our summer courses has ended and we are very happy about it.

🖇️Consortium: 1st Primary School of Alexandria and 7th Primary School of Alexandria
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Improvement Of Digital Skills and Tools for Educational Purposes”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-ΕL01-KA121-SCH-000136218📍Location: Malta 🇲🇹 
🗓️Period: From 15/6/2024 - 19/6/2024

Our dedicated teachers attended a transformational course entitled «Improving Digital Skills and Τools for Educational Purposes.». This enriching experience was part of our ongoing commitment to improve the quality of education through professional development.

During the course, our teachers were able to integrate innovative digital tools and strategies into our classrooms, promoting a more engaging and effective learning environment for our students. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to transform education together! 🌐✨Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

⛳️One of our summer courses has ended and we are very happy about it.

🖇️Consortium: 1st Primary School of Alexandria and 7th Primary School of Alexandria
Hosting Partner: Moveu Professional Services S.L.
🔖Project Title: “Improvement Of Digital Skills and Tools for Educational Purposes”
🔐Project Code: 2023-1-ΕL01-KA121-SCH-000136218📍Location: Malta 🇲🇹
🗓️Period: From 15/6/2024 - 19/6/2024

Our dedicated teachers attended a transformational course entitled «Improving Digital Skills and Τools for Educational Purposes.». This enriching experience was part of our ongoing commitment to improve the quality of education through professional development.

During the course, our teachers were able to integrate innovative digital tools and strategies into our classrooms, promoting a more engaging and effective learning environment for our students. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to transform education together! 🌐✨
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8 months ago
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8 months ago
🌟A big shoutout to our incredible interns for their hard work and fresh ideas! We’re thrilled to have you as part of the MOVEU family. Your contributions make a difference every day! 

📇Anastasia Papagianni
🎓English Language & Literature - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
🗓️From 28/2/2024 till 28/6/2024

📇Aikaterini Eirini Xiftou
🎓School of Psychology - Aristotle University of  Thessaloniki 
🗓️From 4/3/2024 till 30/6/2024

Let’s enjoy the rest of your internship 💥Image attachmentImage attachment

🌟A big shoutout to our incredible interns for their hard work and fresh ideas! We’re thrilled to have you as part of the MOVEU family. Your contributions make a difference every day!

📇Anastasia Papagianni
🎓English Language & Literature - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
🗓️From 28/2/2024 till 28/6/2024

📇Aikaterini Eirini Xiftou
🎓School of Psychology - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
🗓️From 4/3/2024 till 30/6/2024

Let’s enjoy the rest of your internship 💥
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8 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Εξαιρετικές κυρίες με ε κπληκτικό επαγγελματισμό, πάντα εξυπηρετικές με χαμόγελο! Μπράβο!!!

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