MOVEU Professional Services S.L is a private organization situated in Barcelona, Spain with main objective the participation in european actions with significant impact in european level.
Since 2009, our organization has been involved in european policies and actions, with main area of specialization the organization and the implementation of european mobility projects for professionals and VET students. In 2014, were implemented our first tailo-rmade seminars for school teachers and professors of secondary education.

Below the general idea of european mobility, MOVEU builds a strong philosophy of high level support with services and solutions, in actions that is always in accordance with the main aspects of european frameworks and policies.
Besides the MOVEU brandname (MOVEU – European Mobility / Movilidad Europea) ,a combination of words European Mobility and the Catalan verb “to move”, symbolizes the general concept that has to do with the european knowledge and experience exchange , which was born basically among the members of European union.
During these 10 years, our entity collaborated with a great number of consortiums among Europe, gathering important knowledge, offering expertise and provide solutions regarding each project aims and objectives.